Last year, your Y provided over $590,000 in assistance to 5,300 individuals and families, right here in our community. Because of people like you, we are able to provide opportunities that improve our community's health and well-being, activities that bring families closer together and programs that empower young people to find success. Your generous support keeps the Y available for those who need it most.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your gift is tax-deductible. And we make sure that 100% of your contribution stays in your community, right here in your own neighborhood.
We use your gift to make an essential, lasting impact right here in your own community.
$500 gives a single parent comfort and provides their child with a safe, enriching place to go after school for 10 weeks.
$250 allows 5 children to become part of a team playing soccer, t-ball or basketball while building their confidence and teaching them teamwork.
$100 gives kids the opportunity to learn life-changing water safety skills during their swim lessons.
$50 lets a senior citizen connect with fellowship through activities here at the Y.
Your tax-deductible contributions are welcome throughout the year and may be made by mail to 150 YMCA Drive, Madisonville KY 42431 or by contacting
(270) 821-9622.
The Y is a charity, dedicated to youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. With your support, we can make sure that everyone who needs the Y has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. Together, we have a meaningful and lasting impact on our community, one person at a time.
No child should go to bed hungry in a community with a Y. This summer, the Y is doing its part to address hunger by offering young people up to the age of 18 access to nutritious meals and snacks. The Y joins national efforts to serve 5 million healthy meals and snacks to 100,000 children to help keep them well-nourished. The YMCA has partnered with the Wal-Mart Foundation to address child hunger in communities with a focus on increasing participation in the USDA's Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), which provides free meals to children aged 18 and under while school is out.